Register of People with Significant Control (PSC) April 2016
From the 6 April 2016, all charitable companies limited by guarantee, which include Academy Trusts, have an obligation to set up and maintain a register of individuals or legal entities which shows who has significant control over the Company. This new measure has been introduced by the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 to increase corporate transparency by creating a full picture of both the legal and beneficial ownership of businesses, with the aim of combatting tax evasion, money laundering and the financing of terrorist activities.
One of the criteria for being a PSC is holding, either directly or indirectly, more than 25% of the voting rights. For an Academy Trust this means our Members. Any Academy Trust will need to list its members as PSCs if the number of Members is three or less. Our Trust has four Members and therefore each individual will hold no more than 25%, and hence there will be no PSC.
“The SHINE Multi Academy Trust knows or has reasonable cause to believe that there is no registrable relevant legal entity in relation to the Company."
1. Fiona Boyd (Chair of Trustees)
Fiona is a social work lecturer with a remit of working with international students and teaching international social welfare. She has an extensive knowledge of safeguarding both children, young people and adults and is keen to support SHINE and its family of schools.
Fiona is a registered Social Worker with the social work professional regulator, Social Work England and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Declaration of interest: None
Area of expertise: Education
Appointed on: 20/05/2022
Employment: Retired Social Work Lecturer
2. Robert Bevington
Robert is a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Robert was employed by the Inland Revenue Valuation Office managing teams engaged in various properties related tasks. He was part of the management team and the district valuation officer in a team of around 300 people. He then spent seven years providing property advice to Birmingham City Council across their entire portfolio of commercial and statutory land and buildings. In these roles, Robert was required to negotiate with the public and other professionals whilst maintaining the highest standards of ethics required by his professional body. Robert was responsible for the professional development of his team as well as monitoring performance, quality assurance and target setting.
Declaration of interest: Related to a SHINE team member
Area of expertise: Chartered Surveyor
Appointed on: 09/12/2016
Employment: Retired Chartered Surveyor
3. Walaiti Rathore
Walaiti was a partner in a law firm specialising in all aspects of licensing and gambling as well as licensing prosecutions and related regulatory matters before establishing his own company, Licensing Law Consultancy (LLC).
He is an experienced advocate and represents applicants and premises licence holders at licensing sub – committee hearings across England and Wales and has dealt with all aspects of licensing appeals to the Magistrates’ Court.
Walaiti worked with the Home Office, delivering training to local and responsible authorities and he regularly speaks at national and regional conferences and licensing training events. He is also a BIIAB approved tutor to provide training to operators. His work has resulted in him being invited to speak to politicians at an enquiry held at the House of Lords debating controversial local authority initiatives.
Walaiti was included in the Nottingham Post’s 2016 edition of the Most Influential People in Nottinghamshire and has also been recognised in Chambers and Partners UK guide as follows:
Walaiti has contributed to “Paterson’s Licensing Acts” (Butterworths) for 3 consecutive years; a leading source of reference for licensing law.
Declaration of interest: Married to and related to members of staff at Whitemoor Academy
Area of expertise: Legal
Appointed on: 11/09/2017
Employment: Managing director Licensing Law Consultancy; regional officer for the East Midlands Region of the Institute of Licensing; a member of UK Hospitality and a board member of the British Indian Business Forum.
4. Rhys Wyborn
Rhys in an Employment Solicitor working locally in Nottingham City Centre, specialising in Employment Disputes, Managing Workforce and Senior Executive Services. Rhys provides training regarding Legal HR needs for clients.
Declaration of interest: None
Area of expertise: HR - Legal
Appointed on: 09/02/2023
Employment: Employment Solicitor
5. Vacant Position